New Offices in Birmingham

New Offices in Birmingham

Millward Consulting Engineers has enjoyed a few years of working with key clients who are based in Birmingham so at last the time felt right to open an office and look to build a team based there. Edmund House on Newhall Street will be our new home. This is such an...

Millward update and response to Coronavirus

In response to the latest news on the Coronavirus, we have developed the following statement to ensure all clients, staff and business contacts remain safe and informed during this unprecedented time. We started the new decade as we mean to go on as a business, with a...
Lincs & Notts Ambulance starts on site

Lincs & Notts Ambulance starts on site

A turf cutting ceremony was recently held to mark the start on site of the new Lincs & Notts Ambulance headquarters. The new build will see charity staff and ambulance crews all based under one roof. The build, due to complete by the end of the year, will also...

The Millward Rebrand

We’re Different through Design – that’s the strapline we launched earlier this year with our new rebrand. Our entire suite of documents have now been given a fresh new look to mark the start of the decade. We commissioned a designer to consider our existing values and...